The o.Lab is a sales & marketing platform to promote technologies, success stories and build a place for innovation and co-creation. A growing number of partners from different tech companies are working together.
The place is a real, hybrid, and virtual meeting space.
Goal: integrate as many different software and hardware components as required to make several operation automation PoCs successful.
We provide a technology-driven environment for you for events and seminars.
We help to coordinate, schedule, and track events in the o.Lab.
We help with preparation, registration, ushering, and feedback.
We help to develop the right atmosphere in addition to a beneficial experience for participants.
Maintain a safe and healthy environment for the visitors.
You can book directly via MH-Invelopment. We provide guidance on the technologies inside the o.Lab. We will manage the event in coordination with the partners and stakeholders regarding your request and goal.