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E-portal, e-invoicing & e-logistics

How to reach 100% electronic document processing in the shortest time?

Together with our partner network, we offer workshops as well as implementations to achieve that goal. We offer an intuitive and user-friendly EDI web portal for customers and suppliers. That EDI solution is based on seven modules. It can be easily customized to meet their individual needs to cover the entire process of digital data exchange from e-ordering to e-invoicing and e-logistics. Bidirectional workflows will enable maximum efficiency for all stakeholders within the process.

Portal modules:

​​​In combination with further e-Logistic or e-commerce solutions, a full e-portal will help your organization to provide supply chain visibility.

The introduction of a digitized accounting system makes structured data available and thus usable in companies. Often, e-invoicing is the first step towards a fully digitized supply chain. Target groups are small companies without an IT foundation as well as larger companies with different suppliers and customers. Depending on the objectives and framework conditions, we pull together the experts.

Excursion: What is EDI?

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is a collective term for the electronic exchange of data. In order to design and standardize the cross-company transfers of business data, there are so-called EDI standards. The basic idea behind EDI is to automation of communication between two ERP systems. This reduces the error rate of input or data errors considerably. In the case of fully automatic systems, human intervention is not necessary or is only necessary in the event of a clarification.

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